Monday, November 16, 2009
I am still here!
Yes...I have neglected my blog for some time...but it is going to get better! I am going to work on a study on how we can be loving, fearless, respectful, and relentless women! So we can be women that stand up for what is important and know our worth. Sometimes I feel that women as a whole may have forgotten why we were created and our important role in society. We see it everyday a woman who has lowered her expectations and settled...never reaching that place in her life when she can say she has arrived. Women are able to bring out the best in a man. We can encourage our children to rise to the top. We were not designed to give up, but to PUSH! Women are strong, compassionate, wise, and nurturing. We love the one's who don't always deserve the love, are put our hearts into things that we are passionate about. I am excited about the new information that I will share. Hold is coming soon!!
Be blessed and let your beauty shine inside and out!
Be blessed and let your beauty shine inside and out!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Keeping the Confidence Be Who YOU Are!!!
BeautifulBrownBabyDoll is a great encourager and stays real to herself. She has accomplished and still is accomplishing many things in her life. She has fought different battles in her life such as weight loss, insecurity, relationships, etc. and uses her experiences to help empower and uplift others.
Subscribe to her on YouTube.
Be blessed and remember we are blessed to be a blessing!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Don't Give up!!
Stay encouraged and live life to the fullest regardless of what obstacles come your way! DON'T GIVE UP!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Today's confession over my life: "Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life."Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever (Psalm 23:6).
See yourself surrounded by the goodness of God 24/7. With what attitude do you now face life?
My answer: By seeing myself surrounded by the goodness of God 24/7 I have to have the attitude of joy and victory at all times. I would be consistent with trusting and knowing God cares about me. I would know everyday that God wants the best for me and does not enjoy or like it when the devil brings adversity. Knowing that God cares and wants to bless me will help me keep my faith...NO FEAR! I have to live every day of my life feeling untouchable by the devil and know victory is mine. When God blesses me he is also able to work through me. I can fulfull my purpose in life with joy and can't successfully help someone when you are troubled and fearful in your own life. Anytime the devil tries to come and throw a wrench in what God has in store, I have to know that my God is merciful and loving...he will not let the devil win...I have to believe it and it will be done!
See yourself surrounded by the goodness of God 24/7. With what attitude do you now face life?
My answer: By seeing myself surrounded by the goodness of God 24/7 I have to have the attitude of joy and victory at all times. I would be consistent with trusting and knowing God cares about me. I would know everyday that God wants the best for me and does not enjoy or like it when the devil brings adversity. Knowing that God cares and wants to bless me will help me keep my faith...NO FEAR! I have to live every day of my life feeling untouchable by the devil and know victory is mine. When God blesses me he is also able to work through me. I can fulfull my purpose in life with joy and can't successfully help someone when you are troubled and fearful in your own life. Anytime the devil tries to come and throw a wrench in what God has in store, I have to know that my God is merciful and loving...he will not let the devil win...I have to believe it and it will be done!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Change Experience
Just wanted to share a site that I am so happy I found. On my journey to a better me, I have my good days and bad days...who doesn't. There are times when I feel good about myself and times when I feel discouraged. Joy is our strength to keep going, move forward and do what is right! Anyway, here is an online study that focuses on family and relationships (of all kinds), finances, as well as spiritual growth. We have to continuously work on ourselves in the inside to effectively transform so our beauty shows just with our presence. No matter how much makeup, clothing or other beauty enhancements we buy...if you are not developed in the inside it is done with no purpose. Our inner beauty should cause our outer beauty to shine regardless of what we have on or how we look. To do this study it only took me 15-20 mins. I am online a lot so it really is a useful tool. Be encouraged and I hope you take advantage of this site and what it offers!!
Thank you Creflo and Taffi Dollar for helping others CHANGE...metamorphosis in action...
Thank you Creflo and Taffi Dollar for helping others CHANGE...metamorphosis in action...
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